Sitarpassion™ Integrated Training & Education (S. I. T. E.)

Name & Identity

A Gurukul system in its true essence is probably the best way along the lines of education. There have been great masters who have founded their institutes giving it their personal name & identity and it has been accepted in lieu of their formidable knowledge and practice. As for my views, regarding this process of identity, I firmly believe in not using any personal names but only that of the very subject concerned, as I may offer myself best in its service.

So it’s WRONG of anyone who try to call it the Soham Munim Foundation/Institute or even the Sitarpassion Gharana and similar other tags – knowingly or unknowingly, jokingly or seriously, genuinely or otherwise.


At S. I. T. E., the notion of our only Guru I’d like to define is the Divine as I firmly believe that without the Divine Will, true progress does not manifest. From a tender age, at the beginning of any day at school, physical education, competitions etc, and in my professional & working life at concerts, projects etc, I have always prayed seeking for the Divine’s help in a manner that was not a ritual or a ceremony but a simple call within myself. I’d like to extend this simplicity in approach to all students and seekers who wish to learn at S. I. T. E.

With all due respect…

“NO Gandaa (thread) ceremony, NO uniforms in general, NO feet-touching – a simple handshake or a short mutual Namaste 🙏 will do. Any elaborate Pranaams (including shashtang etc), please offer them ONLY to the Divine. The journey is inward, so externally whether you’re comfortable in a gaudy attire shining in all possible material or in a simple T-shirt & shorts – you choose!”

~ Soham Munim